
Unlimited Users

Create user accounts for staff, volunteers, and anyone who needs full or partial access to your data.

Everyone Online at the Same Time

With unlimited users, you can delegate responsibilities to anyone. Volunteers can take care of time consuming tasks without compromising the security of your data by limiting access to only the areas they need access to. Give board members the ability to see their contacts and donation activity, but remove their ability to make changes. Share the workload and take full advantage of your database without any extra cost per user. Each user can be set up with custom screen layouts as well to streamline workflow. Hide the fields that are unnecessary for specific roles and decrease the possibility of data entry mistakes.

User Account Creation

New users can be set up by the site administrator or anyone who has been given the proper rights. When adding a new user, choose one of the default user rights settings or copy all settings from an existing user.

We're On a Mission To Help Grow Your Nonprofit Organization.