
Dashboard Apps

Customize your dashboard with apps to streamline your donor management tasks.


Spotlight your most important information

Every database user has different needs. The DonorSnap Dashboard Apps allow you to create a completely custom view of your data specific to your user. Add apps relevant to your everday tasks and place them front and center. View your goal progress, quickly find contacts for updating, and see pending tasks without leaving the dashboard.

Dashboard Overview

Each dashboard is made up of any assortment of apps. Each app type can be added to the dashboard multiple times so that each user can best organize and view their data. Click and drag any of your apps around to reorder them. Move the to the large column on the right or the smaller column on the left. Be creative and choose colors that match your organization color schemes, or pick the colors of your favorite sports team.

Pending Acknowledgement Letters/Emails

See all of the current unacknowledged donations in your database and which batch they belong to. The shortcut links take you right to the email or the print processing systems.

Favorite Pages

Create links to your favorite pages. You could also add several favorite pages apps to organize tasks for different times of the year. Create one for End of Year Reports, Daily Duties, and another for a completely separate category relevant to you.

Pending Online Form Submissions

See a summary of all open records pending in your online forms. Exclude forms that are not relevant to your user. Click the arrow to go straight to those records waiting to be processed.


Create fundraising goals, volunteer goals, event goals, and contact goals and display your current progress. Share goals between users or keep them private. Read more about the goals app here.

Recent Donations

Stay on top of all donations coming in to your organization easily. Set up this app to show the last 5-25 donations added to your database.

Quick Search

This one should seem self explanatory… type what you are looking for in the box and all results will be displayed. However, you can customize Quick Search to search any of the fields in your database at one time, from one box!

Pledge Report

Check how your pledges and campaigns are doing by viewing a summary of both non-pledge and pledge activity. A date range can optionally be added to the app.

Tickler Tasks and Calendar Reminders

Track your pending to-do list or keep an eye on the lists of your staff. Create one tickler app to see them all or add a few of them with filters.

Top Donors

Display your top donors based on a date range or lifetime donations along with up to 4 date groupings.

Upcoming Free Trainings

Stay up to date on all the training opportunities coming up. These are free for all DonorSnap users and are also recorded so that you can watch them later.

Quick Search to look through any field in your database

Your database holds an incredible amount of information that is all organized and sorted carefully into separate fields. Storing each piece of data in a separate field makes it possible to run queries, reports, and mail merge letters. Unfortunately, this can make searching difficult if you do not know which field the data is stored in. Quick Search bypasses this problem and lets you search any or every field at once with a single search box.

Just search…

There’s really not much to say. Click search and enter your search text. Double click on one of the results to go directly to that record.

Customize search settings

Each user can customize the searchable fields for their user account. This is especially helpful if tasks are delegated between staff members. If one person only manages names and addresses, deselect all of the other fields to make Quick Search more effective for that user. All database fields are eligible for Quick Search.

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