DonorSearch Integration

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Interested in DonorSearch? Contact Megan Walsh at or 443-980-1126 with questions.

Do you know your major donors? The integration with DonorSearch can help!

Explanation of the DonorSearch Ratings

DS1-1: Donor giving a single gift of $5,000 or more to a nonprofit or political organization found in DonorSearch’s charitable giving database.
DS1-2: Real estate holdings of $2+ million, business executive at a firm with revenues of $5+ million
DS1-3: Real estate holdings of $1-2 million, business executive at a firm with revenues of $1-5 million
DS1-4: Real estate holdings of $500,000-1 million, ownership of at least two properties or a real estate trust, a single gift of over $500.
DS1-5: One or more of the following: Business executive at a firm with revenues under $1 million, or the strong possibility of being an SEC insider and/or possible member of a foundation board or grant seeking organization.
DS2: Exact match to selected markers of wealth including: Airplane or Boat ownership and/or a holder of a pilot’s license
DS3: No noteworthy matches to giving history or wealth indicators.


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